Writing, to me, is therapeutic. I have not been writing lately, but I felt updating the status of the scratchpad is a good excuse to share my musings.
I have been mulling over the future of the scratchpad for a while. This began through a friend’s suggestion of writing bits and pieces of my thoughts, even if they were not structured. She reasoned that I could simply close the scratchpad if I did not like the idea.
What does that make the future of the scratchpad, if I have announced an upcoming live stream? Does this render the scratchpad null and void?
At a personal level, writing and speaking are merely instruments to convey information. Both of these hobbies can remain and serve slightly different functions.
The scratchpad will be tweaked to respond to the live stream. Instead of “random” thoughts of the past, I will restructure my writing on the scratchpad to provide some snippets of either content we could not discuss on the live stream (we predict overruns) and to provide some glimpses of our thought processes in a written form. In this way I think I can offer better value to my readers; random thoughts can always be picked up on my Facebook musings whenever I find something of interest.
So in short, am I still writing?
Yes, and still for joy.