On Wednesday, I attended a lecture on Singapore’s development as a port city. It coincided with our bicentennial since the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles on Singapore’s shores in 1819. Throughout history, Singapore as a small territory was in search of a hinterland. Most successful cities operate on the premise of having hinterlands that support…
Category: Digital World
Another Year?
“So, what are your resolutions for the new year?”“I shall think about it tomorrow, on New Year’s Day.” Ok, now that it is New Year’s Day, now what? First, let us perhaps take stock of some of the key resolutions. There were hits and misses. Passing the OSCP. A hit after plenty of sufferance. 🙂…
A Digression: The Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) — Part 3 of 3
#offsec #pentest #training #tryharder Say “try harder”… Here I will deviate from most typical OSCP reviews and discuss a little about creating machines. If we can break machines and obtain administrator privileges, can we create them? One way to get good at a subject is to approach it from different perspectives. For instance, we peer-tutor…
Introduction to the Digital World — Part 5 of 5
In the previous part, we discussed the subject of “information assurance (IA)” in the physical context. The digital context is similar, and this time, I will use e-government as an example. Let us use the scenario where a citizen, Bob, wants to access a government web application to modify the dates where Bob needs to…
Introduction to the Digital World — Part 4 of 5
Once one begins to appreciate the power of data, it is important to learn how to protect it. This is the subject of information assurance. Let us use the UK’s National Security Agency definition as a guide for us. Information assurance (IA) consists of five pillars:Â availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. Let us use the…
Introduction to the Digital World — Part 3 of 5
From Iljimae, a Korean drama. “There are two kinds of sword — one to save others and one to kill others.” The drama series shows us the power of a weapon-master. In the hands of a righteous weapon-master, he saves people from harm. In the hands of a ruthless one, he mows down people with ease….
Introduction to the Digital World — Part 2 of 5
Data is a collection of facts. By itself, data tells no stories. Humans interpret data and craft stories to “explain the data”, hereby providing meaning. This is the heart of data analytics. The digital world has provided the platform where data analytics has driven almost every business, for better or worse. “He who controls data controls…
Introduction to the Digital World — Part 1 of 5
We have heard many CEOs and CTOs speak of the digital world. Everything is going digital. So what is the digital world? Briefly, the digital world is one that resides on the Internet. CEOs and CTOs who discuss about the 4th Industrial Revolution will also speak of the integration of the digital world and the physical world. Let me skirt through…